Utility of Number and Type of Office Discipline Referrals in Predicting Chronic Problem Behavior in Middle Schools
Larissa Predy, MA, is a school psychologist and crisis clinician in British Columbia. She received her master's degree in school psychology at the University of British Columbia. Her current research interests include social–emotional learning, early identification for intervention, and cognitive–behavioral interventions.
University of British Columbia
, Kent McIntoshKent McIntosh, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Special Education and Clinical Services at the University of Oregon and Associate Director of Educational and Community Supports, a research unit at the University's College of Education. His current research focuses on culturally responsive behavior support, enhancing family–school partnerships, and implementation and sustainability of school-based interventions.
University of Oregon
, and Jennifer L. FrankJennifer L. Frank, PhD, NCSP, is Assistant Professor of Special Education and School Psychology and Research Assistant Professor at the Prevention Research Center at Pennsylvania State University. Her current research interests include school-based prevention, positive behavior supports, innovative statistical and experimental methods to validate evidence-based interventions, social–emotional learning, and mindfulness-based interventions.
Pennsylvania State University
Abstract. |
This study examined the technical adequacy of office discipline referrals (ODRs) received early in the school year for predicting total ODRs received by the end of the year. The sample included 401,852 students from 593 public middle schools (serving Grades 6 to 8) in the United States in the 2009–2010 school year. The results showed that ODRs received in September, October, and November were statistically significant predictors of total ODRs and that the inclusion of types of referrals (especially for defiance) significantly improved prediction of total ODRs. These results are discussed regarding the utility of ODRs for screening and patterns of problem behavior likely to predict chronic discipline problems in middle schools.
Received: April 22, 2013; Accepted: June 2, 2014;